Winter Solstice and Sen-Jam’s Progress Report

Winter Solstice and Sen-Jam’s Progress Report

Happy Winter Solstice

As the winter solstice marks the end of one period and the beginning of another, it’s a fitting time for reflection at Sen-Jam Pharmaceutical. As we close the books on our sixth year in business, we are filled with gratitude for the journey we’ve embarked upon together and excited for the path that lies ahead.

Six years ago, the seed of Sen-Jam was planted when Jackie Iversen approached me with a revolutionary idea: to start a pharmaceutical company dedicated to repurposing small molecules for large unmet needs in inflammation treatment. At that time, my knowledge of inflammation was limited, but the potential impact of such an endeavor was clear. This vision soon took shape on a simple 2×2 matrix on my office whiteboard, plotting “De-risking Clinical & Regulatory” against “Intellectual Property” – a strategy that has since guided our every move.

Our approach to building an asset-light company focused primarily on selling or licensing intellectual property, has brought us considerable success. This past year alone, we were granted 7 new patents, bringing our total to 32, with an additional 27 pending. Our anti-inflammatory platform has made significant strides, with over three lead assets at or near phase II clinical trials.

2023 has been a year of both challenges and triumphs. The quickest way to progress, as we’ve learned, isn’t always the easiest. Faced with capital limitations, we’ve had to be creative, ensuring we have the right team and partners in place while remaining steadfast in our mission to change the course of inflammation treatment.

Our research has shed light on some alarming statistics: 50% of deaths are inflammation-related, and 62% of Americans suffer from chronic inflammation. These findings only reinforce the urgency and importance of our work. Our goal is to intervene early in acute inflammation to prevent its progression to chronic disease and, ultimately, save lives.

Highlights from 2023

This year’s highlights include advancing our licensing process under Neal Zahn’s leadership, resulting in promising negotiations with companies in China and Japan. Our engagement with the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) this spring to test our therapeutics for opioid withdrawal marks another significant milestone. We eagerly await the results of our first in-vivo trial for methamphetamine treatment and the potential for new grants in 2024.

Our collaboration with KVK Tech and the continued advancement of our COVID therapeutic under Dr. Tom Dahl’s guidance has been pivotal. Christine Leonard’s outstanding work in marketing and strategic communications has amplified our message, supported by successful educational webinars.

I would like to extend a special acknowledgment to our team of advisors, who have been a constant source of wisdom and guidance. Dr. Joris Verster, Dr. Frank Farraye, and Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross have contributed immensely with their insights and expertise. Their support has been invaluable in steering our strategic direction and scientific endeavors.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead to 2024, we remain committed to raising capital through Reg D and Reg CF offerings, as we continue to seek larger institutional investors. Our growth and achievements would not have been possible without your belief and support. We see immense potential across our platform, with the possibility of transforming our ‘green shoots’ into ‘giant sequoias’.

As we continue to pursue the capital required to fund our larger clinical studies we will be conducting some smaller research projects with New Jersey Institute of Technology, virtual clinical trials with People Science for opioid withdrawal and URI, and some other partners we are in discussion with.

As we step into the new year, we are poised for tremendous growth, driven by our dedication to health and wellness. We thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission and look forward to sharing more of our progress in the year to come.

Wishing you and your families a healthy and prosperous New Year.