Biomarker Innovators Lean In As Co-Founder, CCO, Jackie Iversen RPh MS Shares SJP’s Vision for Revolutionizing How the World Treats Inflammation.

Biomarker Innovators Lean In As Co-Founder, CCO, Jackie Iversen RPh MS Shares SJP’s Vision for Revolutionizing How the World Treats Inflammation.

Cb Cdx Europe Speaker Jackie Iversen

Co-Founder, Chief Clinical Officer, Jackie Iversen RPh MS spoke today in London at the 14th Annual CB&CDx Europe conference. Revolutionizing anti-inflammatory drug delivery with precision medicine is why Sen-Jam Pharmaceutical is considered the darling rocketship of the pharma industry right now. Jackie spoke about our next generation platform — the biggest innovation in anti-inflammatories in 125 years — and is networking with biomarker pioneers to bring forward a truly game-changing platform.