Innovating Healthspan with PAIR Technology
Pioneering Pleiotropic Anti-Inflammatory Remedies That Preserve Vitality and Transform Lives.
Innovating Healthspan with PAIR Technology
Sen-Jam is a catalyst for change.
Sen-Jam innovates to eliminate painful side effects, whether they come from medicine or everyday living.
Life is an adventure, meant to be enjoyed both responsibly and fully. Our goal is to create value by finding novel Pharmaceutical solutions for large, unmet needs while forging global sales, distribution, and licensing agreements with like-minded agents of positive change–companies and innovators that want to make the world a better place. We are currently collaborating with several great partners and welcome conversations to explore possibilities with new ones. Sen-Jam innovates to eliminate many painful side effects. Whether they come from medicine or everyday living. Our product line is based on Opioid Free Pain Relief with GI Protection for Extended Use.
We are passionate about helping people live well, championing happier, healthier, more productive, less pain-filled lives.
We are dedicated to constant improvement, pursuing intellectual and medical curiosity, perpetual learning and innovation.
We are fearlessly reimagining connections, bringing people and organizations together through open communication.
We are relentless about efficacy and safety, supporting only products with clinically proven benefits that outweigh any risk.
Our Leadership Team
Dedicated to ushering in a new era of Health Equality; making safe drugs accessible and affordable to all

Jacqueline Iversen, RPh, MS
Jackie has extensive knowledge and capabilities in a multitude of clinical settings. Her expertise involves providing clinical education across the healthcare continuum. In particular, upon completing a rigorous research fellowship in pharmacokinetics and pain at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Jackie saw new possibilities other colleagues and thought leaders missed. She is a passionate innovator and humanitarian with her eye always firmly on the ultimate impact to people in all places and stages of health and life.

Jim Iversen
Jim is a Seasoned Executive and Charismatic Leader with a consistent track record of developing and executing business strategies that deliver rapid growth in sales, profits, market share, employee and customer satisfaction. He thrives in fast paced environments, producing results through remarkable resourcefulness and collaborations. A Strategic Powerhouse, Jim has a knack for seeing the big picture and stewarding multiple pathways to success. Client engagements range from start-ups to late stage, often resulting in an M&A transaction.

Thomas Dahl, PhD
Tom has held several senior management positions with companies ranging from start-ups to established global companies. He is an accomplished biotech/pharmaceutical executive with expertise in early stage ventures, including technical analysis of products and technologies, business strategy and operations, development program strategy, clinical trial design and interpretation, and interfacing with pharmaceutical partners.

Christine Leonard
Christine is a highly respected and award-winning marcom strategist with passion for companies that aim to improve lives. She has led brand development, marketing execution, investor relations, consumer insight mining and communications excellence for world-class healthcare companies big and small. Christine has a unrelenting passion for collaborating with entrepreneurs who disrupt markets for massively good outcomes to humanity. She believes the world needs radically fresh solutions to age-old problems.
"Arguably the world's most resourceful healthcare company. Revolutionizing inflammation with a rocket ship of opportunity"
Alexander Wissner-Gross Tweet

Neal Zahn
Wildly successful and seasoned executive in the manufacturing, operations and pharmaceutical industries, Neal is a powerhouse in global connection. With a strong bench of skills in the business development space, he has fine tuned his legendary resourcefulness in building long lasting, high impact strategic alliances. Neal is charming and unflappable, bringing optimism and pragmatism to the global stage.
Scientific Advisory Board

Thomas Dahl, PhD
Biotech Executive & Consultant
Tom is an accomplished biotech/pharmaceutical executive with expertise in early stage ventures, including technical analysis of products and technologies, business strategy and operations, development program strategy, clinical trial design and interpretation, and interfacing with pharmaceutical partners.
Joris Verster, PhD
Utrecht University
Joris has extensive experience as principal investigator of clinical trials examining the effects of drugs on driving, cognitive effects of food and (medicinal) drugs, alcohol hangover, and sleep and sleep disorders. He is founder of the Alcohol Hangover Research Group, and scientific advisor of various pharmaceutical companies.
Andrew Scholey
Swinburne University
Andrew is a leading international researcher into the neurocognitive effects of natural products, supplements and food components. He is the founder of the Human Cognitive Neuroscience Unit at Northumbria University, UK.
Gary Zammit, PhD
Gary specializes in early phase and specialty clinical drug development. He is the founder of Clinilabs and a key opinion leader for clinical development outsourcing.
Francis Farraye
Mayo Clinic
Francis Farraye, MD, MSc Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Mayo Clinic, Florida. He is a world leader in the subject of inflammatory bowel disease, having authored/co-authored over 500 papers, abstracts and chapters.